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이전 교수 상세 소개 페이지 이동 화살표
Behavioral Cognitive Neuroscience

Choi, June-Seek Professor

Research area

Learning and Memory, Emotion Neuroscience, Robot Psychology

다음 교수 상세 소개 페이지 이동 화살표
Basic Information
Educational Background
  • -1999.PH.D. in Neuroscience and Behavior, University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • -1991.M.A. in Psychology, Korea University
  • -1989.B.A. in Biology, Sogang University
Career and Awards
  • -2012.~ present / Professor, School of Psychology
  • -2010. ~ 2011. / Visiting scholar, Department of Psychology, University of Washington
  • -2007. ~ 2011. / Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychology,Korea University
  • -2004. ~ 2006. / Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Korea University
  • -2002. ~ 2004. / New York University Postdoctoral fellow, Center for Neural Science, New York University
  • -1999. ~ 2002. / Yale University Postdoctoral associate, Dept. of Psychology, Yale University
Undergraduate and Graduate Courses
  • Fundanmental of Psychology
  • Learning and Memory
  • Psychology of Artificial Intellingence
  • Applied Congnitive Neroscience
  • Assessment and Analysis of Animal Behavior
  • Brain science and future industry
  • Artificial intelligence in psychological science
Book Chapter
  • [Co-Author]
  • - Animal Behavioral Test of Brain Function for Neuroscientists (2006). Kim et al. Sigmapress.
  • - Animal Behavioral Test of Brain Disease for Neuroscientists (2006). Kim et al. Sigmapress.
  • - Introduction to Psychology 4th edition (2012). Yoon et al. Hakjisa.
  • - Introduction to Psychology 5th edition (2019). Yoon et al. Hakjisa.

  • [Translation]
  • - Emotional Brain (2006). Joseph LeDoux. Hakjisa.
  • - The end of stress (2010). Bruce McEwen. Sigmabooks.
  • - Learning and memory (2011). Mark A. Gluck. Sigmapress.
  • - Learning and memory 3rd edition (2019). Mark A. Gluck. Sigmapress.
Research Papers
  • Yong Sang Jo, Eun Hye Park, Il Hwan Kim, Soon Kwon Park, Hyun Kim, Hyun Taek Kim, and June-Seek Choi, “ The medial prefrontal cortex is involved in spatial memory retrieval under partial-cue conditions”, Journal of Neuroscience, 27(49), 13567-13578, 2007.

  • Jeong-Tae Kwon and June-Seek Choi, “Cornering the fear engram: Long-term synaptic changes in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala following fear conditioning”, Journal of Neuroscience, 29(31): 9700-9703, 2009.

  • Seokchan Kim, Yong Sang Jo, Ilhwan Kim, Hyun Kim, June-Seek Choi, ""Lack of prefrontal cortex activation underlies the immediate extinction deficit"", Journal of Neuroscience, 30(3):832-837, 2010.

  • June-Seek Choi and Jeansok J. Kim, Amygdala regulates risk of predation in rats foraging in a dynamic fear environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107: 21773-21777, 2010.

  • Eun Joo Kim, Namsoo Kim, Hyun Taek Kim and June-Seek Choi, The prelimbic cortex is critical for context dependent fear expression. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 7:73. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2013.00073, 2013.

  • Yong Sang Jo, Eun Hye Park, Il Hwan Kim, Soon Kwon Park, Hyun Kim, Hyun Taek Kim, and June-Seek Choi, “ The medial prefrontal cortex is involved in spatial memory retrieval under partial-cue conditions”, Journal of Neuroscience, 27(49), 13567-13578, 2007.

  • Jeong-Tae Kwon and June-Seek Choi, “Cornering the fear engram: Long-term synaptic changes in the lateral nucleus of the amygdala following fear conditioning”, Journal of Neuroscience, 29(31): 9700-9703, 2009.

  • Seokchan Kim, Yong Sang Jo, Ilhwan Kim, Hyun Kim, June-Seek Choi, ""Lack of prefrontal cortex activation underlies the immediate extinction deficit"", Journal of Neuroscience, 30(3):832-837, 2010.

  • June-Seek Choi and Jeansok J. Kim, Amygdala regulates risk of predation in rats foraging in a dynamic fear environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107: 21773-21777, 2010.

  • Eun Joo Kim, Namsoo Kim, Hyun Taek Kim and June-Seek Choi, The prelimbic cortex is critical for context dependent fear expression. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 7:73. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2013.00073, 2013.

  • Mihee Song, Yong Sang Jo, Yeon-Kyung Lee, June-Seek Choi, Lesions of the lateral habenula, facilitate active avoidance learning and threat extinction, Behavioural Brain Research, 318, 12-17, 2017.

  • Sun-Min Kim, Ye-Jin Kwon, Soo-Yun Jung, Min-Ji Kim, Yang Seok Cho, Hyun Taek Kim, Ki-Chun Nam, Hackjin Kim, Kee-Hong Choi and June-Seek Choi, Development of the Korean Facial Emotion Stimuli: Korea University Facial Expression Collection 2nd Edition, Front. Psychol., 2017, doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00769.

  • Tristan Geiller, Mohammad Fattahi, June-Seek Choi and Sebastien Royer, Place cells are more strongly tied to landmarks in deep than in superficial CA1, Nature Communications, Published 20 Feb, 2017. doi:10.1038/ncomms14531.

  • Eun-Hwa Hong and June-Seek Choi, Observational threat conditioning is induced by circa-strike activity burst but not freezing and requires visual attention, Behavioural Brain Research 353(1), 161-167, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbr.20

  • Sunwhi Kimm, June-Seek Choi, Sensory and motivational modulation of immediate and delayed defensive responses under dynamic threat, Journal of Neuroscience Methods,Volume 307,2018, Pages 84-94, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneumeth.2018.06.023.

  • Ji-Hye Lee, Sunwhi Kimm, Jung-Soo Han & June-Seek Choi (2018) Chasing as a model of psychogenic stress: characterization of physiological and behavioral responses, Stress, 21:4, 323-332, DOI: 10.1080/10253890.2018.1455090"