고려대학교 심리학부 로고 이미지



KU School of Psychology Vision Statement

Korea University School of Psychology Vision Statement
Korea University’s School of Psychology aims to cultivate talents who can take creative and flexible approaches to challenges and new problems for the future
society through convergence education based on the multidisciplinary
foundation of psychology.

심리학부 교육목표 소개 이미지

A major curriculum based on
professional competency focusing on creativity and convergence

Establishment of an education
platform to foster innovation

A hub of multidisciplinary,
convergence education

Competency-oriented education that can creatively solve problems
Preemptive preparation for the challenges of the future society

School of Psychology, Korea University’s Curriculum

  • Flexibility

    Learner-centered curriculum

    Segmentation and diversification of subjects

  • Professionalism

    Curriculum focused on solving the problems of the future society

    Minimizing the gap between academic and practical skills

  • Connectivity

    Reinforcement of the major, liberal arts and linkages with other departments

    Learning various psychological perspectives on a specific subject

  • Expandability

    Convergence education hub with other academic fields

    Activation of dual, convergence, and majors designed for students

Korea University’s School of Psychology
awards a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science depending on the type of subject completed.

[문학사] 인문사회학적 심리 교과 - 기초교과 : 어학, 철학, 인문사회 / [융합학문적 심리 교과] 핵심교양 : 공통 / [이학사] 자연과학적 심리 교과 - 기초교과 : 수학통계학, 생명과학, 공학 [문학사] 인문사회학적 심리 교과 - 기초교과 : 어학, 철학, 인문사회 / [융합학문적 심리 교과] 핵심교양 : 공통 / [이학사] 자연과학적 심리 교과 - 기초교과 : 수학통계학, 생명과학, 공학

Korea University’s School of Psychology
has subdivided subjects in units of 1.5 credits.

3학점 학문분야중심 - 심리학전공자 배출 : 소비자심리학 (뉴미디어·윤리), 사회심리학 (판단·사회·정서), 사회신경과학 (Brain·Network) / 1.5학점 사회문제중심 - 혁신인재 육성 : Mind & Machine 3학점 학문분야중심 - 심리학전공자 배출 : 소비자심리학 (뉴미디어·윤리), 사회심리학 (판단·사회·정서), 사회신경과학 (Brain·Network) / 1.5학점 사회문제중심 - 혁신인재 육성 : Mind & Machine

Korea University’s School of Psychology
offers a subject-focused curriculum consisting of five modules

  • Leadership & Link 아이콘 Leadership &

    Department of
    Psychology Management/
    economics/ politics

  • Mind & Machine 아이콘 Mind &

    Department of
    Psychology Engineering

  • Schema & Scale 아이콘 Schema &

    Department of
    Psychology Data (methodology)

  • Creativity & Culture 아이콘 Creativity &

    Department of
    Psychology Culture/humanities/arts

  • Wisdom & Wisdom 아이콘 Wisdom &

    Department of
    Psychology Health/education